Meeting Minutes for 1/19/2020 General Meeting

The meeting was started promptly at 2:15pm by President Larry Heagy

27 members were in attendance.

Larry started off the meeting by talking about club communications. We will communicated important club communications via the facebook group, website and email. .Be sure all your email addresses are up to date.

Larry reviewed the Let;s Go Fishing show. The manager at the show mentioned that it was record attendance probably due to the fair weather and maybe because of the long line at the new pot shop down the street.

The 2020 Schedule is approved and all of the permits are received. The website is updated with all of the tournament flyers, you can also access the tournament flyers from the calendar that can be synced to your cell phone. The schedule can be viewed on the website.

The Cumberland/Tennessee River tournament permit was received, we are using the Ohio River Boat Launch located at North 6th and Burnett Streets in Paducah, KY. Lodging and permit information will be obtained as quickly as possible,

The banquet will be held on Jan 25 starting with dinner at 6:00pm. Larry and the board have a fun filled event planned with 50/50, raffle prizes, club membership raffle and a special raffle will be conducted.

The Steve Ficker youth fishing event will be held on May 9th. More details to come at the next meeting.

The Steve Ficker annual golf tournament is taking reservations and will be held on April 11th.. There is also a facebook page to mark the event. Proceed will go towards creating scholarships for kids entering trade school or college.

Rick Ficker gave an update on a recent surgery on Jack Watkins to cure an infection in his hip.

New Business: Ed Montgomery made a motion and was seconded by Rudy Cardenas to allow the spouse, girlfriend or under 16 age child to fish with a member in good standing with their annual dues being $10. You are allowed to enter one person as your spouse or child and have them become a full member of the club for just $10. This will allow some people to fish with their wives or children without having them pay the full $65 dues. Vote on the motion was conducted and the vote was unanimously approved.

New Business: Jay Wells made a motion to extend the second tournament day to 1:00pm at Kentucky Lake events and 2:00pm at Lake of the Ozarks. Mike Seconded the motion. A vote on the motion passed with an 11-10 vote. The tournament flyers will be updates as soon as possible.

Frank Motioned to adjourn the meeting with Paul seconding the motion.

Meeting was adjourned at 3:28pm.

the 50/50 drawing was won by new member Will Schrom.

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