Meeting Minutes for 12/1/2019 General Meeting

The meeting was started promptly at 2:11pm by President Larry Heagy

Johnny Morris showed up at about 2:20pm because he was installing a garage heater that went over budget.

25 members were in attendance.

Larry started off the meeting stating that Don Brown had a collection of lures for sale on the side table.

We will review the 2020 Proposed Schedule that the board worked on before the Table Rock event. The proposed schedule was posted on the club website and facebook pages for several weeks.

Ed is taking dues on the front table and giving the new 2020 raffle tickets out (they are yellow this year and are modified slightly from past years).

Ed started reading the minutes from 2/17/2019 but there were no open issues so the reading of the minutes was stopped and approval of the minutes was motioned by Jack Watkins and seconded by Jeremy Hunter.

A review of the club finances indicated a slightly higher balance that the past year due to the increased membership and the raffle ticket exchange for dues. The club purchased several items during the season, one of which was a new scale that took Mike Vallino nearly the whole season to figure out. The scale now works perfectly and is ready for the future. Larry purchased a new projector and screen on the Black Friday specials, they will be used at the banquet and can be used at meetings if necessary. We also purchased 4 rolls of raffle tickets that will be used throughout the winter season for the various raffles.

The prizes for the Banquet raffles were purchased from Sportsman Factory Outlet when we were in Springfield for the table Rock tournament. If anyone has the opportunity to go to Sportsman Factory Outlet be sure to mention your affiliation with the Steel City Bassmasters as they are a great supporter of our club.

Russ Rensing in the 2019 Angler of the year for the second consecutive season. Congratulations Russ on a job well done.

Larrymentioned several members that passed away this season including Howard Koenig who pased away earlier in the season, Randy Grater who unexpectedly passed away while the club was at the Tabe Rock tournament and just a few days ago long time founding member of the club, Ralph Schebivk passed away.

On to brighter news: Larry presented the proposed 2020 schedule to the club. The Clinton Lake tournament was denied due to the very heavy load of tournaments. Also the fall Lake of the Ozarks was moved up one week to avoid a potential conflict with a large club taking off out of Red Oak. After teh schedule was discussed and modified Larry read off the new final schedule. A motion was made by Johnny Morris to approve the schedule, this was seconded by Rudy. A vote on the motion had only Jeremy Hunter vote against the schedule because he has numerous work conflicts.

Discussion was had about changing the stop time of the second day of the fall LOZ tournament to 2:00pm. In general most of the members agreed to this and we will discuss further during the subsequent winter meetings.. The normal tournaments day 1 begins about 30 minutes before official sunrise and is for 9 hours. The second day started at teh same time as the previous day but ended at noon. The noon stop time is certainly adjustable without the need for a motiom (maily what do the members want).

Officer Nominations were made:

President – Larry Heagy, motioned by Johnny Morris to close nominations and seconded by Rudy Cardenas. Larry accepterd.

Vice President – Mike Vallino. Rudy motioned to close nominations and Jack Watkins seconded. Mike accepted the position.

Sec/Treas – Ed Montgomery. Rudy motioned to close nominations and Jay Wells seconded. Ed accepted the nomination

The board members were nominated individually for vote at th next meeting: Nominations for the 2020 board positions are:

Rudy Cardenas,  Johnny Morris, Carl Gansner, Russ Rensing, Jack Watkins, Denny Beiter, Paul Davis, Mike Anderson, Brian Carlson, Eric Davis.  There are 10 moninations for the 8 board positions.

Russ Fairbanks motioned to close nominations, Rick Ficker gave a half of a finger to indicate that he seconded the motion.  Elections are at teh next meeting on 12/22/2019

The annual banquet will be held on 1/25/2020 – at the Collinsville Columbus Plaza Banquet and Meeting Center. Carl Gansner arranged the food and drinks for the event.

The Let’s Go Fishing show is being held on January 3-5, 2020. Again this year we will be hosting the Kids Corner. We need to ensure that we have proper booth staffing all the way to the end of the show and we cannot leave early as we are doing a service for the Gateway center to draw in people and having booths pack up early is not good for business.

Jack Watkins asked if we should host another auction for Steve Ficker. This was generally received well and will be discussed at the next meeting.

April 11th is the annual Steve Ficker memorial golf tournament to be held at Arlington greens. This does not conflict with the tournament schedule this year so we look forward to a strong showing of Steel City members for the event.

Ed mentioned some changes on the website. There is a new Google Calendar that is up to date and easily linkable to so you can always have the latest schedule. There are many youtube videos on how to link a Google calendar to your device or account.

Also mentioned was the photo gallery, Ed corrected the issue and the photos for the 2019 tournament season are now scalable on your devices. You can also download full resolution images for your own needs. The photos from previous years are currently on a server and cannot be viewed. This will be corrected when time allows.

Mike Anderson won the 50/50 drawing and meeting was adjorned at 3:14pm unless your wife is reading this and then the meeting actually ended around 7:00pm. If you got home after 7:00pm then that is on your own.


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