Meeting Minutes for 12/16/2018 General Meeting

Meeting Minutes for 12/16/2018 General Meeting

Meeting began at 2:15pm by President Larry Heagy
21 Members were in attendance, 2 new members and 2 guests

Ed Montgomery read the minutes from the last meeting, motion to approve the minutes as read was made by Frank Wilcoxon and seconded by Carl.  All members in attendance voted to approve the minutes.

Membership dues are currently being accepted by Ed Montgomery,  The $65 annual dues are due before fishing the 2019 Season.  The club is handing out raffle tickets to the members who pay their dues.  These raffle tickets can be sold for $1 each and the awards will be given out at the Awards Banquet.  The member keeps the money generated by the raffle sales since they already paid their dues.  The member can also keep the raffle tickets for themselves and enter into the raffle at the banquet.

Jack Watkins gave the group a short update on his health, he recently had hip surgery and got a staph infection.  He has to take antibiotics 3 times a day and has to work through the pain. We all wish him a speedy recovery so we can see him on the water come spring.

Larry mentioned to stop in and see the Sportsman Factory Outlet when anybody is near Springfield, MO.  They love to see the members of Steel City come in the store and made mention to Larry of the number of people that came into the store before the Table Rock Tournament.

Larry said the word Cock

Ballots were handed out for election of the board members.  The results of the election were compiled by outgoing board member Brian Carlson.  The results are as follows:

President – Larry Heagy

Vice President – Mike Vallino

Secretary/Treasurer – Ed Montgomery

Executive Board Member – Sergio Cortes

Executive Board Member – John Morris

Executive Board Member – Paul Davis

Executive Board Member – Carl Gansner

Executive Board Member – Russ Rensing

Executive Board Member – Jack Watkins

Executive Board Member – Rudy Cardenas

Larry reviewed the responsibilities of the board and the need for assistance at the weigh in with measuring Fish, Running the Camera, and various other jobs.  It is each board members responsibility to make sure the weigh in goes as smoothly as possible and maybe wait to weigh your own fish to help out when things are crowded at the beginning of the weight in.

A bylaws amendment was brought up and discussed.

The amendment reads:

Tournament Rules Amendment 2019

Consumption of Alcoholic beverages is prohibited during posted tournament hours for all Steel City Bassmasters tournament events.  Violation of this rule will result in disqualification and removal of the individual(s) from the Steel City Bassmasters organization.

Some discussion about this proposed amendment was made.  If you stop fishing early you cannot consume alcohol until the end of the posted tournament hours.  That means if the tournament goes to 3:00pm and you load the boat you cannot consume alcohol until 3:00pm that day regardless if you are fishing or not.

A vote was taken and all members were in favor of the proposed amendment.  Motion passed and a written ballot will be handed out at the next meeting and 2/3 of the membership present must vote YES for the motion to become a bylaw.

Craig Knight was not able to attend the meeting but is very interested in helping with the Steve Ficker memorial Kids Fishing event(s).  Other ideas were mentioned to possibly keep this as a self sustaining event.  Jack Watkins brought up the idea of the auction of unused fishing equipment that everyone has and mentioned that he is making a custom rod to be donated to the cause.  Possibly have a golf event or a fishing golf event at Oak Brook Golf Course that was mentioned to Larry during one of their golf outings.  Bob Quick also has some ideas and is involved with the Granite City High School bass club.

Lets Go Fishing show starts at 12:00pm on Jan4th.  We will once again have the fish pond for the kids to catch a fish and win a prize.  We will raffle off a Lews Rod/Reel and give away several kids rod/reel combos.

We had further discussion about the Classic Tournament and it was decided that the top 12 anglers from 2018 will participate in this event.  The 13th person in the 2018 Angler of the Year list will be on hand to help unload/load boats, arrange food at the weigh in and conduct the weigh in for the Classic competitors.

The meeting adjourned at 3:41pm.

The 50/50 drawing was $60 and was won by someone other than me.




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